Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All about Dan

Hello again!

Today is all about Dan, the stitching man!  While I was laid up he was able to squeeze in some stitching time in between working 2 jobs, having to cook, clean, do laundry and wait on me hand and foot.  Pretty sure I remember telling you all about the wonderful chart I was able to find at  February Market in Nashville.  Well, he finished the stitching on it but has yet to build his Mi'Lords necessities box to mount it on.  I think he's been a wee bit busy doing other things and box building isn't something you want to do late at night after you tuck your wife in bed!  He'll get to it eventually but in the meantime here is his finished piece.  Sorry no ironing, it's not on my list of approved activities.

This was his first time working on evenweave and his first time working with an overdyed floss.  I think he did a wonderful job!

Once Mi'Lords Necessities was finished he was ready to tackle a huge project.  One I wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole.  Stitched on 32 ct Fog Linen from PTP using DMC floss he started the stitching in May I believe, since he brought it with him to retreat.  Yep, that's right, my man came to retreat!  The official reason he was there was to help bring the shop out for shop night but once we had things set up the man disappeared.  When I next saw him he was happily ensconced at a table full of women stitching away and laughing with the girls like he'd done it a million times! I wish I had taken a picture of it but I was busy working and didn't think about it.  The girls were very kind to him and even hooked him up with  his own stash that they pulled from the swap table.

Dan's Stash courtesy of the retreaters
There was a reason I am told for each chart they so thoughtfully chose for him but I am not aware of what those thoughts are.  Maybe some of them will chime in on the comments and let us all know.  One of our regulars, Carole, even made him a manly fob to go with his project.

Can you tell what the project is?  
But I digress...I have to give the man kudos, lots and lots of kudos.  Not only was this chart full of confetti stitches but it looks like one of the most boring pieces to stitch ever.  Cool when finished but one wouldn't get a sense of accomplishment as one stitched due to the nature of the chart.  You don't really see the picture until it's all done and you step back.  But I am happy to report that he finished this project this week and I think it's awesome.  Even his back looks good considering it's only his 3rd project.  Are you curious yet as to what it is?

Can I have a drumroll please!

This is a Ronnie Rowe Pen and Ink design called Concordia.  It's one of 3 ships, I'm pretty sure Dan won't stitch the other 2 but who knows?  It could happen.

Started back to work yesterday and stretched my first piece of cross stitch. I think it went pretty well.  I don't seem to have a lot of increased pain because of it anyway.  My arm is a little more sore but I also started PT so it could be that or a combination.  I plan to take it slow and easy, only working 2 hours a day at this time.  Still no stitching, I don't think I could handle having my head down to stretch and to stitch so stitching will keep till I get caught up a bit at work.

Hope you enjoyed hearing about Dan's stitching.  He's pretty proud of himself as he should be!

Take care till next time!
