Friday, June 5, 2009

A Finish!

I finished Geranium House by LHN today. My boss wanted me to use over-dyed threads so I had to do a bit of a conversion. It's stitched on 25 ct. vintage country mocha Lugana 2 over 2. I'm not sure I like how I did the initials on it though. Might have to remove them.

I have another finish but I forgot to take a picture of it before leaving work. I'll post it later.

My daughter Abby called just now. Her boyfriend Jake left town for the summer yesterday. She was at a cookout and was the only one there without a guy. She's trying hard to be a big girl about Jake being gone but it's going to be a big adjustment for her. They've been dating for a year and a half and this will be the first time they've been apart for any length of time. It ought to be an interesting summer!

I think I'll go stitch for a while and watch Mental. Have you seen it? It's kind of quirky but I like it.

Have a great night!



  1. Hi Julie!

    Your finish is very lovely! The initials look just fine there, I wouldn't take them out if it were me :-)

  2. I wouldn't change them either.

  3. Thanks Debi! I just leave them in then. to frame it.

  4. I think it looks great just like it is, Julie! I want to try cross stitching again. I've got a few supplies that Lisa (DG) sent me a long time ago. I need to get them out and give it a whirl.

    I hope Abby does OK. I know it will be a difficult adjustment but you have some really strong daughters! What is Mental? Are you talking about The Mentalist? I like that show.

    Love ya!

  5. Let's get this party started!!! LOL!! Love your blog and I am sure it will become my favorite place to go every day..because we all know I want to be you!!!
