Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stitching, bad hair and the tree!

Happy Saturday/Sunday!  Not sure if I will get this done today or not so thought I would cover my bases by addressing both days!  It was second Saturday Stitch at the shop today.  Our group today was a bit larger than we had anticipated!  When I had checked my email for the last time on Friday to see who was coming and who wasn't, there were only 11 that had said they were coming.  We ended up with 16!  It was great!

There was enough food to feed a small army and of course the companionship was the best!  Such a fun group of ladies, each delightful in their own way.  I used the group as guinea pigs today and tried a new recipe for crock pot macaroni and cheese.  Trying a new recipe on people outside your family is not necessarily the smartest thing to do since you never know if it is going to turn out okay or even edible! It was pretty okay and several asked for the recipe.  I still prefer my regular recipe but for a pot luck type of dish  this is something I would make again.  If you are interested you can find the recipe here.   

Since it was a stitching Saturday, I was able to take pictures of the stitch-a-long project Mary Ann, Mary and I are doing.  Mary of course is the furthest along.

I think I might be next but I'm not sure because I discovered something today.  My mind does not work like everyone else.  (Connie, quit rolling your eyes and saying you knew that already!) Mary and Mary Ann are stitching their projects a page at a time.  I am stitching mine in rows.  I thought Mary Ann was the odd one when she said she was doing it that way and now I have to come to grips with the fact that it's me that's the oddball!!!  Inconceivable!

Mary Ann  hasn't had a lot of stitching time the last 2 weeks so she hasn't made much progress.

Crap, I think I have to turn the dang furnace back on.  It's cold in here!  Hold on, I'll brb.

A couple of weeks ago I won a give away from Robin over at Robin Pich    I won this beautiful pincushion made by her own two hands!  Robin makes some wonderful hand made items that she sells on Etsy.  Head on over to her blog if you aren't familiar with it and check it out!  Thanks Robin!  I love my pin cushion!

I've got an update on the take down of the tree.  Dan has most of it down except for the trunk and a little tuft of branches at the very top.  He thinks it's cute and should stay this way.  I think he's  got another think coming!  And tell me, what person in their right mind wears their dress clothes to do this kind of thing?  Does anyone else have a husband that refuses to change into appropriate work clothes to do yard work or painting or any other kind of physical type chore?  Drives me nuts cuz he's forever getting paint on his dress slacks  or tearing holes in his shirt!  

Ewwww, I just noticed my elephant skin in the pics of the pincushion!  When did that happen?  Gross!

Guess I better wrap this up and feed the hubby.  Can't expect him to make birds on an empty stomach! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.  I'll leave you with this final image.  Please don't judge, she was having a rough time of it with the storms! LOL!

Take care till next time!



  1. What a cutie! How nice to have a stitch-together with food & friends. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. At least the tree is almost down. It looked way worse when you first started on it!!! It's nice to see all of your projects growing. I would probably do that one page by page too, instead of row by row. Sorry, lol. And I'm usually the oddball!!!

  3. Your work looks great and yes we do all approach the same project differently. Makes sense to us! I think i'd be doing on bands too. How lucky for you to have a stitching group!! And as for the problem is reverse....I can't get him out of the work clothes and into the good dress clothes...ever!

  4. The SAL is looking great. Being from the south, crock pot mac and cheese is a staple (and considered a vegetable - LOL) around here. My crock pot gets very hot so I do have to keep an eye on mine. Noticed the recipe said you could put the ingredients in a pan and bake. May have to try that! Have a great week and keep on stitching!

  5. Me..say anything bad? Really Julie...I thought you knew me better than that!! LOL!! Looks like I missed a nice stitching day. Darn it!! Hey at least Dan is doing the tree even if it is in his good clothes!! Bad hair day looks much cuter on your dog then it does on you or me!!

  6. Love the colors in Mary Ann's version of your SAL! I would have done row-wise too, btw...

  7. ROFL @ the dog. Love that pic! It's the dog version of that cat pic that's on the net where its hair is all sticking out. hahaha.

    Yes, I've had many a clothes ruined by my ex who never changed his clothes. Duh.

    The stitch-in sounds like it was a lot of fun!

  8. P.S. I turned my heat off last week when temps hit 91F. It's not coming back on. Nevermind I was *really* cold last night as the temps dropped to the freezing point. My only saving grace is that I keep an electric blanket on the bed and on the sofa. Neither are getting put away until July!

  9. Your pup is so cute!

    Love the pics of the projects. It sounds like a fun get together!
