Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An unproductive day and a stitching update

I have had a rather unproductive day today which is a bad thing since I had just shy of a million things to get done.  First up on my list was to choose new flooring for the kitchen.  The kitchen you say?  Didn't you just put new flooring in the kitchen this summer?  And my answer to you would be yes indeedy Mindy McCreedy I most certainly did put new flooring in my kitchen this past summer.  And every time you drop something, or slide a chair or push the vacuum cleaner across it, it leaves a divot in the floor, a bright white spot in all that brown that stands out like a sore thumb.  Then you'd say,  Well what kind of cheap crap did you put in your kitchen Julie?  And I would say, trust wasn't cheap.   And because it wasn't cheap and because I was very unhappy with it, I put in a claim to the store where we bought it.  And they sent a dude out who took pictures and told me that every floor will scratch.  To which I replied...when you accidentally drop a car key on your kitchen floor does it leave a white hole?  And the smart ass replied no, we don't drop things on our floor.  And I said I suppose you don't walk on it either and he said no, we float 6 inches above it.  At that point I figured I was SOL.  But surprisingly enough, I got a call from the store saying that Armstrong had agreed to replace my kitchen floor and I needed to let them know if I wanted the same product, something different or monetary compensation.  So today I took my happy self off to the Mart to find out what other options are out there.  I'm a bit leery of replacing it with what we already have, even though I love the look and feel of it.  I'd be afraid it would do the same thing and they for damn sure aren't going to replace it a second time.  I know I don't want ceramic tile...too cold and hard on the feet, ankles and legs.  Had laminate before and did not like the clickity clack of the dogs, nor the buckling caused by dripping dog beards, or ice cubes not picked up.  Ixnayed the sheet vinyl cuz I don't think it wears very well.  And although I would love a hardwood floor, I'm afraid of the dripping dog beards and ice cubes not picked up problem.    So the sales guy approaches and asks me if  he can help me.  I explained all of the above and asked him if there was any other type of flooring out there that I was not aware of and immediately he goes on the defensive.  My floor happens to be laid in the flooring dept and he starts to tell me how it's a great floor and how he has it in his own home (funny how no matter what floor I am looking at the sales guy always has it in his own home) and I shouldn't be afraid of replacing it with the same thing.  Or maybe I just need another color he says.  So I point out all the white spots on their floor and I get a long explanation about how long the floor had been down and how many people walk on it every day yada yada yada.  I let him finish up and then ask him my original question again.  Is there anything else out there that I am not aware of...his response...maybe you need to talk to a supervisor. I said yes, maybe I do and went in and spoke with customer service.  On Sunday I will go back and meet up with the guy who originally sold me the floor.  I really liked him and I feel he will be a bit more helpful.
I know I'm asking for a lot in a floor and perhaps it doesn't exist, and I can accept that.  But then I want to know what my options are.  I might have to just replace it with the same thing, but I'm not going to make that decision without some serious thinking.  Wish me luck.

The rest of my day went downhill from there.  But I won't bore you with those details.

I have an update on The Inn.  The house is done and the water has now started to flow across the picture.  Won't be long!

The husband unit has just walked in the door and I need to make some supper before Idol is on so I wish you all a wonderful evening!

Take care till next time!



  1. Sorry about the floor problem! I have hardwood in my kitchen and it's been there for 33 years and I love it! We have had it refinished once after a plumber (and I use the term lightly) flooded the floor when fixing a pipe...there was some slight warping and had to wait for it to dry out but after refinishing it looked as good as new.

    The Inn is progressing nicely!

  2. Sorry about the flooring issue. We have hardwood, with some scratches and dents, but not white spots. Perhaps you should consider the refund and go elsewhere, especially considering the quality of the customer service you have received.
    Love the progress on the Inn!!

  3. Such a hassle with the flooring and trying to get some satisfaction. I have hardwood in my kitchen and love it - easy to clean and even with a dog I don't have scratches. I've also had Pergo wood flooring in my other house and loved that as well.

  4. We have hardwood and our Lab's nails tore out grain in the traffic area but I still like it. Except when I spill milk or drop an egg and it oozes between the boards and under the floor. I don't know what you had originally but I would ask to speak to a manager at Armstrong and ask their opinion. No kitchen flooring should be that delicate!

  5. Hardwood. Only way to go. I've had it other houses, one of which was over 50 years old when we moved in and it looked aged but graceful--even in the kitchen. We put it in this one 12 years ago when we built it and it is aging better than I am. The natural way is always the best way. We've never had dogs, but we've always had a cat and we've raised two sons. My floors have survived nicely.

  6. hope you get sorted out soon with the flooring problem and cooo well done on the stitching front too :) love mouse xxxx

  7. I would be really upset over the flooring situation. Wow, that's just awful. But, great that you're getting a replacement as you should. I have hardwood in most of my rooms. (My dog doesn't drool though, LOL) I have vinyl in the kitchen and it's been there at least 8 years... it still looks great. Ceramic tile in the 3-season room and I agree, it's way too cold on the feet. Good luck with finding the right option for you.

    Your sampler looks nice :)

  8. Allure Vinyl Plank flooring can be found at Home Depot and I imagine at other flooring places. It is ultra resilient plank flooring with a 25 year warranty. Looks like hard wood but is great with kids and pets. My honey is a carpet and flooring installation specialist and I have seen this floor. Actually I even helped him when he was installing one of them. It is worth looking into. I love the look of it and will definitely have it in my home when I have my own home.

  9. Good luck with the flooring issue. I would be really mad as well, since you haven't had it very long.
