Monday, April 23, 2012

Short and Sweet

Well shoot, I turn my back for one minute and the powers that be totally change the layout of blogger on me!  When did this happen??

Just posting a quickie as I really have nothing much to say that's happy and upbeat and I am tired of always posting negative stuff.  So here goes...

Progress on Parrot

New kitchen floor was supposed to have been installed last week.  Due to estimator error it did not happen.  When the installers arrived to install the new hardwood floor they discovered it was not going to work.  So they left.  And this is  how we have been living ever since as Dan refuses to move everything again.

Top vote getter of Reflections 4th annual Needleart Exhibit:

February Word Play stitched by my boss and framed by me.  It's stitched on 30ct Dolphin if anyone is interested.

Retreat is less than 2 weeks away.  I think we will be ready...cross your fingers.

Adam and his girlfriend are settled into their new apt and are as happy as can be.

Abby is going through a tough breakup

Amy is looking down the barrel of finals week and will be home in a week and a half.

Dan has been working his tail off getting the retreat project finished.  His part is done now and he is extremely happy to have them all finished.

Gracie is a miracle dog.  Doing well and is off the medicine they told me she would never be able to be off.

I have had a terrible case of the dizzys since Saturday.  Hope it goes away soon.

Have an awesome week everyone and take care till next time!



  1. I would rather have pain than dizziness. Hope you feel better soon. VERY glad to hear Gracie is doing well! Nice looking parrot and I really like your kitchen layout which has totally confused me about mine. Great update post!

  2. Nightmare when your kitchen is not your own! I hope you feel better soon. Love the framed finishes, very pretty.

  3. Ouch on the kitchen. It's horrible having to live around things. I hope that they get the floor installed quickly.

    Your parrot looks wonderful. Very pretty colors. And that piece is beautiful that won at Reflections.

  4. Julie - I look for your "Erma Bombeck"-type blogs every day. They are hilarious! Love it! Glad you wrote. Hope you can get your lives put together soon. Love the parrot & that framing you did! Wow!

  5. It's a shame that I have to get caught up with you via your blog. I'm so glad that Gracie is doing better! I know how much she means to you. I kind of knew the rest of the stuff. I can't believe how much progress you've made on the Parrot! Go girl!!!

    I agree - I look for your blog, so I'm happy to see anything you post.


  6. Great progress on the parrot. The frames for those projects are perfect. Sorry to hear about the kitchen floor. I hope they can get it installed soon. Ohhhh, dizzy is the WORST hope you are feeling better.

  7. Your parrot project is turning out really nice. I like the colors.

    I hope the dizzies are gone by now.
