Saturday, February 16, 2013

For Catherine...thanks!

Just a fly by post today.  Dan and I went grocery shopping this morning and while we were there I spotted some Goose Island Orange Cream Soda.  This brought to mind a comment left by Catherine on a previous post where I mentioned Goose Island Rootbeer and how much I love it.  Her comment was...

"Great goodies!  I think I would be afraid of carrying a Coach bag too!.  Have you ever had the Orange Cream soda by Goose Island?  So good to make a float  with vanilla ice cream ~ tastes like an orange creamsicle!"

What was a girl to do but buy a bottle and bring it home to try!  Dan was highly skeptical when I told  him I was going to put the orange soda over vanilla ice cream.  He said he would try it but he thought it sounded nasty!

The verdict?  We both loved it!  Thanks for the recommendation Catherine, I'll think of you every time we indulge!

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

Take care till next time!



  1. Lol!!! Always glad to get others hooked on the good things in life! By the way, the root beer is yummy over vanilla ice cream as well! 😃

  2. It does look tasty! I haven't had any kind of float is ages!

  3. NO!! It looks Nasty!! LOL! But then I am not an orange soda fan or an ice cream fan so perhaps my opinion is a little jaded...however, don't let me stop you from enjoying it!!

  4. Okay Connie. I will take yours because I think it sounds yummy!

  5. I've never heard of that brand. I'd try a rootbeer float, but not orange. OK, I'd try it, but I'm not a big fan of orange creamcicles.

    P.S. I thought of you last week when I was doing a sales tax return and saw Papillion. :D
