Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What I did Wednesday!

Good Morning!

I'm not sure I can say that I met my goal completely but...I did get some stitching done.  I ran into a bit of a snag though.  Tuesdays, So You Think You Can Dance is on.  A person (me) cannot just listen to them dance like you can a regular TV show.  And boy was  the dancing good last night.  Lots of talent this season!  But I digress.  I had to stitch madly during the judges comments and the commercials.  And then there was the whole dog issue last night.  Between Rags thinking she needed to be cuddled half the night (she's been sick) and Kallie walking all over me because she was stressed out from the fireworks...well it made for some challenging stitching.  So progress was made but not as much progress as I might have liked.

Now I have a different problem.  Maybe some of you have it too.  Now all I want to stitch on is Midnight Watch and the heck with Golden Ice and Heritage Sampler!!  But I need to get Golden Ice finished and I want to work on Heritage Sampler too!  So for those of you that do a you have any tips or tricks to actually making yourself put the current project down to pick up what's next in the rotation?? Cuz I totally suck at it!

Today I am supposed to go out and get the paper products for the shower.  Plus I need to look for colored sugar in the correct colors.  I am trying really hard to get out there and get it done but I think I'd rather stay at home and stitch while doing the laundry.  Some company would be great but everyone I know is working.  Anyone wanna pop on over and go with me?  I'll buy you lunch!

Guess I should get myself pulled together and head out so I can get home and get the laundry started.

You all have a wonderful Wednesday and take care till next time! And if by chance any of you picked up the Take it out Tuesday Challenge, I would love to see what you got done!



  1. Looking good. Can't you "Bing" colored sugar and see where you can get it? (I don't google anymore if I can help it)...would love to go to lunch but don't "do" shopping.
    Happy 4th!

  2. Hey...thanks for "unblocking" WORKED!

  3. I haven't been very good at this rotation thing but I once heard that a group of stitchers in Madison would work on a project for 12 hours and then get the next one out for 12 etc. The problem is how many do you have on rotation??

    Good luck. I never have enough time to stitch.


  4. If you want to stitch on Midnight Watch...then stitch on Midnight Watch. Enjoy your stitching!

  5. I'm not good at rotation stitching at all. I tend to want to stay with something until it's finished. But of course, there are those odd times when I've put something down, when the lure of the new piece is too much to resist. Then, sometimes it is hard to go back and finish said piece.

    Wish I was close enough for some lunch and stitching company. That would be fun.

  6. I just stitch until I feel like rotating. Midnight Watch is really looking good. I say follow your muse. The other charts will get their turn.

  7. I just love your blog. I only found it about a week ago. I so wish I lived close enough to be an in person friend and visit with you and stitch with you! I have two questions I'd like to ask. One is I read you have a group of ladies that you stitch with through the store. If you don't have a local store, do you have any suggestions on how to find a group? Second, I've never done a sampler piece. I know that probably shows you. But I'd like to try. I like a bit of color in my pieces. Wondering if you have a suggestion for me? Thanks so much! I will visit often because I love your blog!!!!!

  8. Shocks you! I meant to say it probably shocks you that someone hasn't done a sampler....

  9. I never was disciplined enough to stick with a rotation...I have to be in the mood to stitch on a project usually. A lot of people though are quite successful at it. Hope you found what you needed for the shower.

  10. I hope everything is ok with you and your family. I really miss you.
