Happy Thursday!!
It's very cold outside today but at least the sun is shining. We've had a long stretch with no sun and it was really getting to me! I need SPRING!!
Let me start this post with a great big !!THANK YOU!! for the birthday wishes. I appreciate them all. My birthday was good. Mostly. But we'll get to that later. First the good stuff. My celebration actually started on Friday. I arrived at work already knowing I was to be treated to lunch by Mary Ann as she had called me to tell me not to bring my lunch. When I got there, I found a pretty gift bag waiting for me. As some might recall, in March the Last Saturday Stitchers are going away for a weekend of stitching to a B & B about an hour from here. This B & B has many beautiful rooms but it's whats inside some of those rooms that has my heart going pitter patter. Claw Foot Bathtubs! That's right, I am freaking out over a tub and I'm not too proud to admit it!! At this point, you are probably thinking 2 things:
a. why is she going off on a tangent about tubs
b. why is this whacko excited about a tub.
I'll tell you. I'm short. In my bathroom I have this beautiful large jetted tub. I love to soak in the tub and read a good book. It's one of my very favorite things. But in my tub, I have to stick one leg out of the water and brace myself or I slip under and drown. The tub is just too long for my short little legs. The other problem with my tub is the back of it, the place you lean back and relax as you read and soak is straight up and down. How in the world are you supposed to relax in a tub when you have to stick a leg out and sit straight up??? Must have been designed by a tall man is all I can say. Anyway, as a result, I've used the tub maybe a total of 5 times in 13 years. But, a claw foot tub has a wonderfully sloped back and is usually shorter, in other words, Julie size!! So how is this important to the lovely gift bag you ask? When I was researching the B & B and saw the tubs I told Mary Ann that I didn't care which room I got as long as it was one of the ones with a claw foot tub in it. I also informed her that I would most likely be excusing myself several times during our stay to take full advantage of said tub. Mary Ann heard my words, filed them away and as a result she bought me a fabulously perfect birthday gift!! Beautiful isn't it??
Couldn't be more perfect! Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a tub in Lincoln with my name on it!!
In addition to the gift from Mary Ann, 2 of my best stitching buddies came to the shop to visit and stitch. We had a great time and a Brownie's burger was the icing on the cake! So all in all, Friday was an awesome lead in to my big day!
Saturday day was spent moving Adam in and doing laundry as everything that was in his apartment smells of mold!! EVERYTHING!! I don't know how he was living in that place with the smell. Saturday evening, we had pizza for dinner which was great as I didn't have to cook and then I opened my gifts from Dan and the kids. From Dan I received a beautiful necklace, ear ring and ring set. The stone is Mystic Fire. It doesn't photograph well but it has beautiful greens and purples. See?
Adam decided my Sanza Fuze was not good enough for me so he went out and bought me an Ipod Nano!
I wonder how long it's going to take me to learn how to use it to it's full potential? He said something about me having to make play lists? I don't have a clue, technology and I are not good friends! I love it though and it's even green, my favorite color!!
Abby, chose to give me this:
Season 4 of NCIS! I had seasons 1-3 and season 5. So this was a great gift and we started watching it that night.
Amy is feeling the money pinch as she has lost most of her piano students since Christmas so she made me a wonderful birthday card and my in-laws sent me a card with a check in it to use for whatever I want. I'm thinking a couple of books to read whilst I am soaking myself into a prune! I also received wonderful cards from my mom and my sister.
And if that weren't enough great birthday surprises, Dan ordered me my favorite pie, Lemon Silk! It is to die for! And with it's artery clogging ingredients, I probably will but it will be worth it!!
It was an awesome birthday but unfortunately, there was a cloud hanging over it. Missy pup was not doing well by Saturday afternoon. I could tell she was in pain so I put a call into the vet. He wasn't at home but his wife assured me she would give him the message. So I waited for a call. Evening progressed and I could tell she was getting worse as the panting was increasing. Finally at 1:00 in the morning we took her into the Emergency Vet Clinic. You have to pay a small fortune before they even look at your animal. Then they charge you a small fortune to treat them. And if you are lucky they don't screw it up. Can you tell I don't really like the place? They couldn't tell me what was wrong other than to say she was in pain, I didn't have the small fortune to spend on tests and xrays so we opted to treat her with morphine and wait for my vet to call in the morning. Got home from there about 3:30 in the morning and while you could tell the morphine was affecting her, it didn't seem to be making her more comfortable, just unable to walk. It was a long night. Dr. F called in the a.m., said to continue the morphine and the muscle relaxant she was already on but to back the steroid off to one tab/day instead of two. I was to call him in the morning. She seemed to be better that evening until I gave her the steroid and then the panting started in again. In my mind this clinched the idea I had that it was the steroid causing the problem and this was confirmed by the vet the next day. Missy can't tolerate steroids. This is not good news for her back. If the legs get worse again, they will try a different steroid but are doubtful she will be able to tolerate it which leaves only strong pain killers to keep her comfortable as her problem progresses. I'm just going to hope and pray for the best for right now and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. So my birthday ended poorly but it was fab until then!!
Thought you might enjoy seeing my house and craft room after moving Adam in Saturday.
Looking good isn't it?? I'm hoping the libray and dining room will look better after this coming weekend. Dan and Adam need to put some stuff up in the attic but the garage is such a mess they couldn't get to the attic last weekend. Keep your fingers crossed they make progress this weekend!
I've done a wee bit of stitching, not much but then I've been a little busy so I'm sure you will forgive me.
Quaker Diamonds:
12 Dancing Princesses:
And with that, I best get a move on or I will be late to work. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal but I am supposed to open up today so I need to be on time.
Thanks again for all the lovely comments and birthday wishes. I hope you all have a fantastic day today!
December Wrap up
38 minutes ago
Sounds like overall your birthday was great! So sorry to hear about your pup though - it's so hard when they aren't well. I do hope she is feeling better!
Sounds like your birthday was wonderful...Love the jewelry your hubbie got you. It's beautiful. Sorry about the puppie...we love our animals don't we. Hope all can go as well as expected. Hang in there and stitch to your hearts content. Have a great week Julie.
Too funny about the tub... I guessed what your gift was before you even told the whole story, lol. Glad you had a wonderful birthday.
Except for the pup part. Hope Missy feels better.
Lots O Luck getting Adam's things organized and put away in a timely fashion. Your house is beautiful!
Wow! A lot was packed into that post.
Happy belated birthday!
I hope Missy is feeling better.
I feel your pain about tubs with straight up and down backs. What's up with that????
I could cry about the demise of your beautiful craft room. I hope, for your sake, that Adam stays long enough to make the inconvenience wothwhile.
Sounds like you had a fantastic birthday. I know what you mean about those bathtubs - I've got one of those too and while I'm not really short - 5'5", I still slide around in the darned thing.
Your two WIPs look wonderful. I'm in awe of Dancing Princesses and all that work that will go into that piece. But it will be stunning when it's done.
Happy belated birthday -- sorry about the craft room loss, but I'm sure it will return some day. :)
Sorry I missed your Birthday!! Happy Birthday!!!! Sounds like you had a great day-- I could go for a piece of that pie--YUM!!!!!! Sorry about your pooch, I hate to see them suffering. :(
Your library is gorgeous--all that wood and those bookcases, gosh its like a museum! My husband and I would like to come over and read and stitch.... What do you think?!
Looks like you are going to have a saver in the house. Not to worry, you made a great decision, but as for the craft room!!!!! I know it will all work out!
It sounds like your birthday started off very well! That pie looks AMAZING! Is there any left?? And I'm a bath-fanatic too so I totally understand your swooning at the thought of a claw-foot tub!
So sorry to hear about Missy Pup. I hope she does better.
This is just a test message while I try to remember my PW!
Yea! I remembered my Password so now I can comment on your blog!
I'm glad you had a great birthday, but I'm so sorry about Missy. I hope you can keep her somewhat comfortable. They truly are like our little babies.
See you tomorrow at stitching!
I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday (at least for the most part). I am terribly sorry that Missy isn't doing well. It's a heartbreaker when the critters we love aren't doing well. Sophie and Gracie send her their love!
Your WIPs are fabulous - I have no idea how you can stitch the Dancing Princesses; I'd be blind. It's going to be a remarkable piece.
You will love that iPod once you get it all figured out. The iTunes program is an easy one to learn, you will be a pro in no time!
Love the Nano, your library, and Quaker Diamonds! Ah, I have always dreamed of having a library of my own...just gorgeous!
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