Monday, April 4, 2011

My new Chicken!

It is a very good thing I don't ride a broom to work most days cuz today with the way the wind was blowing I never would have made it!  Good Lord it was blowing something awful.  So awful in fact it took out one of our lights on the front of the house.  I came home from to find it on the ground.  One of the glass panels broke but I'm hoping we can turn that side toward the house when we re-hang it and you won't notice.   Providing of course that it can be re-hung. 


I had a pretty good weekend.  Saturday I made a Hobby Lobby run for retreat stuff, stopped at the thrift store and bought a chicken, went to Weathered and Worn and bought a lamp, headed home, picked Dan up and off we went to a different Hobby Lobby since the one closest to my house did not have enough of what I was buying (i can't say what it was, retreat related and all).  Whilst I was there I bought a basket I had been admiring for quite some time and then I bought some eggs to go in the basket since the chicken I bought at the thrift store wasn't going to be laying eggs any time soon, if ever...but if she did happen to lay some, I bet they'd be worth a pretty penny! Here's my chicken, you can call her Henrietta, sitting by her nest of eggs.  See now why any eggs laid by her would be worth something?  They'd have to sell for at least as much as the face of Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich sold for don't ya think? 

And here's my new lamp that I have to return.  The switch is bad.  Dan got it to work long enough for me to snap a picture but then I unplugged it cuz he said to keep an eye on it or it might burn the house down.  He also said just kidding after that but my husband didn't get the nickname Zap for nothing.  He and electricity do not get along.  I'd rather play it safe, return the lamp and not worry about burning the house down.  Hopefully they'll have another lamp and I can just exchange it.

Talked with Adam today.  He was finally given a date for his move to D.C.  Last day in Salt Lake is  May 27th.  He's looking forward to the move.  According to him, there are 5 girls for every guy in D.C.  He's hoping to find a wife while he's there.   Gotta be better odds than he had in Salt Lake. I've heard housing is horribly expensive.  I'm a bit worried about him finding a decent place he can afford but he's not too concerned.   

Amy was home this past weekend.  She got a job at the new ballpark in town and was home for some training.  I was talking to her about how I don't think anyone is reading my blog and she scolded me!  She told me what can I expect when I only post once a month!  She's right.  I've been neglectful.  So I have vowed to try to do better.  Just in case you couldn't tell, this is me, trying to do better.

Finally, I will leave you with an update on Tuscan Rose.  As soon as I finish here, I'm going to go stitch on her some more.  I should be working on retreat stuff since it is only 4 days away but I'm not feeling it tonight so stitching it is.

Take care till next time!




  1. I'm reading! I like your pretty lamp 0 hope you can find a replacement. I picked up a new table lamp on Sunday - such a little thing to make sue impacts on our lives.

    Mary in MN

  2. I'm reading too! That is such a pretty lamp, do hope you can find a replacement.

  3. Such a pretty lamp, Julie--I hope you can find a replacement! And wonderful work on Tuscan Rose, too :)

    Hope your son enjoys DC--we lived there for a year in the late '80s and loved it. It is very expensive to live there but there are so many free things to do on weekends...

  4. Love the goodies you found.

    Your son should be able to find a mate here in DC. If I could, anyone could, LOL. Housing is expensive in the city, but if he moves to a suburb and takes mass transit in, it's a lot more affordable. I'll keep my fingers crossed for him.

  5. The lamp is pretty and I hope you can get it replaced.

  6. You have a smart daughter...and a smartie friend. See you Friday, really looking forward to it, even though I will miss most of Sat a.m.

  7. Hi Julie. I'm reading tho I don't often comment. Pretty lamp. Visit my blog when you have time.


  8. Me too!!

    Love all your goodies...and Tuscan Rose is coming along beautifully!

    Happy Stitchin'

  9. Tuscan Rose looks great. Wow, you've been doing a lot of shopping. :) Good therapy!

    I read your blog! I have you on goodgle reader so I don't miss anything.

    Hope you can get the light rehung. That's some feisty winds you got!

  10. I just found you a week or so ago but I'm here so don't go anywhere! LOL

  11. I read, too!! So much so that I once dreamed about you. See, didn't want to tell you lest you slap a restraining order on me. Don't worry, though, it was just that I was talking to you while you were busy planning a party for your husband, to which you'd invited a thousand people. See, no worries. ;)

    Beautiful stitching!! I love your finds, too. I have a hen like that--they're so fun!
