Friday, April 1, 2011

Tuscan Rose

I find it amazing that the appearance of the sun after days and days of gloom can lift a persons spirit and cause instant happiness.  I feel lighter, thinner even.  More ready to face the day.  The birds are out doing their thing and even they seem happier.  Who needs pharmaceuticals when the sun is shining!  Not me!

Still not a lot of stitching going on around here.  I am now finished with all the projects for retreat so that has freed up some time in the evenings but so far I have spent them cleaning up after myself.  I craft kinda like I cook.  Completely trash the place during the process and then have to go back and perform miracles cleaning it all up!  It's looking some better but I have a ways to go yet.  I thought I would show you what I have done with the stitching though.  I started Tuscan Rose by Sampler Cove a couple weeks ago when I found myself unexpectedly attending a stitching retreat.  Mary Ann and Connie were supposed to go and I was going to man the shop but at the last minute something came up and Mary Ann had to stay so I went.  This was my first retreat aside from the ones our shop has hosted so I was interested to see how things were done.  Connie and I had a good time, saw some amazing projects from hardanger to counted canvas, to needlepoint, to some fancy thing I can't remember that a lady at our table was doing.  It was gorgeous!  Then there were all the HAED being stitched there.  Almost made me want to bring out the Twelve Dancing Princesses!  Almost.  Such talent these ladies have!  The food was great too.  All in all it was a good time and for once I actually got some stitching done!     In case you are not familiar with Tuscan Rose, here is a picture I borrowed from European Cross Stitch. 

And here is what I have done so far. 

I am really enjoying this piece.  The colors are luscious, I'm using the called for silks from Vicki Clayton and I am stitching it on 40 count linen but can't remember what it is.  I'll have to look when I get to work.  All the wording is done over 1 and I am not minding that at all even though I thought I might.  I can't wait to stitch more of this wonderful design!

While I was cleaning up part of my crafting mess Wednesday, I decided to rearrange the family room.  I was feeling the need for a bit more open space and in order achieve that I had to remove one larger piece of furniture which left me with no place for a lamp in the corner.  It's a dark corner and it needed a lamp so I decided to bring up one of the thrifting finds that I haven't shown you yet because I was intending to paint them.  In fact, I had just decided I would paint them cream with a wash of brown glaze and now I am glad we hadn't gotten the actual painting done.  Cream would not be my first choice for the family room.  I'm thinking maybe leaving it or painting it an olive green with a glaze.  Anyway, the table fits perfectly at the end of the sofa and I am so glad I thought to bring it upstairs.    What do you think?  Leave it or paint it?

It's 9:15, I haven't eaten breakfast or made my lunch yet so I better get a move on here else I will be late for work.  Thanks so much for stopping in.  Comments are much appreciated!

Take care till next time!



  1. I vote to leave it as is. Olive would darken it too much for spring (you wanted more open-ness and light, remember :-) ), and if there are scratches, they just give it character!

  2. That is a gorgeous sampler! I look forward to seeing your progress on this one.

  3. Oh I love that sampler and don't you love working with Vicki's silks? They are my favorite. I vote to leave the lamp and am always so jealous of your "finds". Glad you enjoyed the retreat, for the money it really is great and you DO get some stitching done it seems. I am sure you will enjoy your retreat coming up...

  4. The retreat was great, even I got some stitching that is a miracle! I vote to leave the table the way it is for now, live with it for awhile and then decide how you feel about it. It does fit there nicely, doesn't it?
    Just a few days to our retreat, wonder if we will get any stitching done there??? LOL!!
    Thanks for all your work toward the retreat...everything looks awesome as always when you are involved!!

  5. That's not a cream lamp? What color is it? Looks cream to me...
