Thursday, March 24, 2011

They're Back!

Good Morning!

Something is just not right with blogger these days.  Or is it just me?

Some time ago, I shared a scrapbook page I had done about the damn birds that keep moving into our attic.  Well, guess what?  They did it again!   This past weekend,  Dan and Adam removed a 3 foot by 5 foot nest again, covered in 2 inches of bird droppings and containing several eggs.  This time to fix it, he went up on the roof and covered the vent from the outside with wire mesh in addition to the wire mesh on the inside.  I sure hope this takes care of it for good!   

Not much stitching to share today.  Not because I haven't been stitching, but because most of what I have stitched or worked on has been related to our upcoming retreat.  I can't very well share pictures of it or I will let the cat out of the bag!   But I can say, Paulette (Plum Street Samplers) did a wonderful job designing our retreat exclusive!  I've got it all stitched up and have almost finished the mounting of it.  I hope everyone loves it as much as I do! With only 2 weeks till retreat I am going to be a very busy girl getting everything pulled together and Dan is a very busy boy working on the piece the stitching can/will be mounted on.

Scissor Birds have been put on the back burner until after retreat.  But we have decided that for the Eastern Nebraska Segmented Hardwood Scissor Beak bird, (shown above) we will take orders.  This is for the all wood version.  It does not come with the scissors, threads, or thimble.  Just the bird and base. The cost for Dans bird is $50.00 + shipping.  I also must tell you that I can't give you a time frame on them.  Dan works 2 jobs so the birds are made in his free time.  They will be done on a first come first serve basis and we won't ask for payment until your bird is ready to ship.  So, if you are interested in the wood version, send me an email with your name and address and I will add you to the list.  I will send you an email when he starts working on your bird and again when your bird is finished.

That's it for today folks.  I need to get ready for work.  I have a display of arrowheads to work on today.  Gonna be a pain in the patootie to stitch those puppies down!

Take care till next time!



  1. Cant' wait to see your retreat piece! I love Dan's bird and have already sent you an email.

    Good luck getting the real birds gone for good!

  2. Good luck with getting rid of the attic birds. We had the same problem for a few years. Finally when we got a new roof we succeeded in keeping the little boogers out of the attic.

    I love the scissor bird! Dan did a fantastic job in designing this beauty. My e-mail is on the way.

  3. This is my first visit to your blog - so glad I followed other people's links. The scissor bird is too wonderful and certainly looks nicer then the old Crystal Light container I currently store my things in.

  4. Best of luck in your bird endeavors--keeping out the real birds, selling the wood kind. ;)
