Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stitching Updates

Good Morning!!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in the Midwest.  It's supposed to get a bit windy though as the day progresses.   I hope where ever you are that the weather is beautiful and you get a chance to get out and enjoy it!

Just a few final thoughts regarding retreat.  I would love to be able to record some of the things said and mash them all together into a video of some kind.  If laughter is the best medicine, the random one liners would cure all the illnesses in the world.  Walking around the stitching area you hear bits and pieces of conversation but not enough to know what they are really talking about.  I heard a few things that had me laughing my fool head off and I would so love to share them somehow.  But hidden microphones and video tapes would probably not go over well with the attendees so I sadly will not be able to cure what ails you at this time.

Also, I wanted to say what a wonderful group of ladies we had attend this year.  Some were what we call the old timers and others were new to us.  Some traveled from as far away as Chicago and others from our own back yard but each and every one of them was wonderful.  Thanks to all the ladies for taking  time out of your busy lives to spend the weekend with us and I for one can't wait to do it again!!

Here's a quick update on my stitching and then I have to eat my breakfast , pack my lunch and head on down the road to work.  I haven't stitched nearly as much as I would have liked but at least some progress has been made.  The flowers are really slowing me down with the constant color changes, but I am really enjoying this project and my husband is in love with it.  The color is more accurate in the first picture but I don't have time to go back and adjust the second one. You get the idea.

And I never showed you my framed Inn at Fox River Mill.  There was supposed to be a fence stitched on either side of the flower/leaf thing at the bottom but I didn't care for it so I left it out.

Gotta scoot!  Have a wonderful day and take care till next time!  And thanks for the comments.  I love comments!



  1. The Inn at Fox River Mill is just fantastic! Additionally not only your husband, I am also falling in love with the work. It is so attractive and eye-catching. I look forward to seeing its progress.

    All the best

  2. Both projects are lovely. Great job on both, and the frame is perfect for the inn. I'm not sure what the other project is called, but it's beautiful. I love the colors in it. The oranges and blues are beautiful.

  3. Beautiful finish of the Fox Mill Inn!

  4. Inn at Fox River Mill is beautifully finished ;)

  5. Wonderful finish and framing!! It's perfect for the piece. And your WIP is wonderful. Very pretty colors.

  6. What a gorgeous frame to set off your equally gorgeous stitching, Julie! And your parrot WIP is incredible...I'll bet you love stitching with those bright colors!

  7. I just clicked on the pic of the scandinavian girl with the Cmas tree because I have that pattern and have never seen it stitched and then this whole, amazing album popped up. What beautiful work-- it's a little mini museum of lovliness. Thanks for sharing.

  8. The colors in the bird design are just gorgeous.

  9. I really love the Inn at Fox River Mill. It reminds me of the stories that my Father would tell us of the fox farm that he use to drive by all the time back in the late 50's in Iowa.
    Your parrot is looking incrediable. I have this issue and don't think I could ever put the time into the work to stitch it. I love it and congratulations, it is breath takingly beautiful. Much better than the picture by far.

  10. ooooo love the one for your husband :) its coming along beautifully and love the mill I've got this in my to do pile :) love mouse xxxxx

  11. Both the parrot and mill look great!
