Monday, May 21, 2012

Little House/ Country Cottage Display

This month at work we are featuring the designs by Little House Needleworks and Country Cottage Needleworks.   The shop sent out a call to all our stitcher's to please loan us any of these designs that they had stitched up and we also offered a discount on the charts and the framing if they hadn't already stitched one but wanted to do so for the display.  As usual, our ladies came through for us in spades and we now have a wonderful display for everyone to enjoy!  I have this insane desire to stitch each and every one of these designs although I have to admit, the pastels used by Country Cottage are not me and I have to WWJD them.   HUH?  What does she mean WWJD them?   Deb, one of our customers, has taken that phrase and changed the J from Jesus to Julie and is always saying I have WWJD'd this or that or she'll ask me to WWJD something for her or she'll tell someone else to have me WWJD something. So it's kinda stuck.  Anyway, I thought I would show you the display in the shop, although you have seen part of it in my previous post already.

It's hard to get good pictures of them but I think you can see them pretty good if you click and enlarge each picture.  We're hoping to do this with other designers that don't have a traditional trunk show too.

Bout time to head to work.  Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Take care till next time!




  1. Fantastic walls of stitches. I coule browse them for hours.

  2. Wow! How neat to see them all together like that!

  3. That's an impressive display! It's really nice to see a whole collection by a design hanging on the wall.

  4. That is indeed a collection of eye candy. Beautiful!


  5. What a wonderful exhibit. How cool to involve the designer and the stitchers in the sale. Models always make me buy more :)

  6. What a great display! I lvoe looking at finished projects it really inspires me!

  7. Holy crap, Julie. That's a HUGE display. Glad your stitchers stepped up for you. And I love WWJD, lol. Too funny. (Plus you still have frog song playing on your blog. It's the only "music" I listen to, lol.)

  8. Wow! Everyone seems to really like at least some of these designs. Quite an impressive collection.

