Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pics from Last Saturday Stitching

Happy Hump Day everyone!  Wednesday is my day off and I am celebrating it by being sick!  It sounded like so much fun but turns out it really just sucks all over the place.  I figure this is my punishment for being social this past weekend and going to 3 graduation parties.  I should know better by now.  Stay home...stay healthy.  Go out...get sick.  But enough about that.  Let's move on to better things.  Fun things.  Stitchy things.

A couple weeks back I snapped  pictures of some of the projects being stitched by our stitcher's at the shop.  Thought you might enjoy seeing what they're working on.  Lotsa talent in this group!

We'll start with Jane and Sandy.  They are a mother/daughter duo.  It must be nice to be able to share a hobby with a mom or a daughter.  I'm a tad bit envious.  They brought their Whitman Tins in to show the group as they had just finished them.  Soooo cute!  Sandy said the finishing took a while but I think it was worth it.

Then we have Joyce.  I've heard a rumor she has since finished this beautiful piece but don't hold me to that one.  It's just a rumor at this point.  This is a chart from The Sampler Company.  Can't remember the name right now and I really don't feel like looking it up...sorry, I'm fading fast here.  I have this one on my I need to stitch this list.  It is gorgeous in person!!!!

Next up is Roxy.  Roxy loves to stitch on tiny count fabrics like 40ct and up.  I'm okay with the 40 ct but when I hear 55ct I tend to hyperventilate a bit.  Roxy assures me that it's really not that bad.  But we're talking about the lady that's stitching one of the Hawk Run pieces (the exact one escapes me at the moment) on 40 ct silk gauze over one.  Do we really believe she knows what she's talking about? LOL!!  Anyway, I digress.  This particular day she was working on Bloom by Just Another Button Company.  Love the pretty colors in this one.  A great spring project.

Connie A. showed off her finished Quaker Frog by The Workbasket.  After she finished it she decided he looked a little scary.  Love the green on the black fabric!

Sue and Margaret were talking about the crochet or knitted scarves that are all the rage right now.  Margaret does not cross she crochets when she comes.  She makes hats for the babies at the hospital, little net scrubbies, dish clothes etc...

Carole showed the T-shirt that Sue's daughter made for her.  Sue's daughter has a been a very busy girl lately with all the order's the stitcher's have placed lately.  She makes really pretty blingy things like totes, jackets, t-shirts...

Finally we have Deb B.  She does some fabulous counted thread pieces and needlepoint pieces  but was working on the new flag piece by Rosewood Manor this particular Saturday.

And that's all I had time to take pictures of that day.  If you enjoy seeing everyone's projects I will continue to take pics as long as the stitcher's don't mind.

Well, I think that's it for today.  I'm glad you all enjoyed the Little House/Country Cottage display I posted last time.  I thank you for all the great comments and for taking the time to read the blog.  I'm trying to post a bit more often as time permits.  I think the next designer we do will be Blackbird Designs.  We have an actual Trunk Show coming up the end of June...Erica her stuff, so it will probably be sometime in the fall.

Take care till next time!



  1. What fun to see what everyone is working on! Beautiful projects! I'm a 40ct girl, myself. 55ct is toooooo small. lol!

  2. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Do hope you're better soon. You do have some very talented needleworkers in your group!

  3. Thanks for sharing your photos. I was with a group of stitch friends this weekend and I mentioned that one of my friends and I bought giant pieces of 40 count silk gauze to do a HRH on. The others looked at me like I had lost my mind...which might have been partially true at that point! Does Roxy have a blog? I'd love to see pix of the HRH and her other work with the tiny Xs.

    Feel better!


  4. Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry you're sick. That sucks. I hope you feel better soon. (I'm NOT a social person (I have some anxiety issues), so I generally don't have to worry about getting sick. Lucky me or lucky you? It's so nice to see all the ladies and what they're stitching. It sounds wonderful. And can't wait to see what you've been up to too. Hope you're feeling better as you sleep tonight!!

  5. o.O 40 count over one? On such a large project too. Dang! I can't imagine that.

    Everyone's projects are gorgeous. Love that shirt :)


  6. I'm kinda new to your blog but just had to let you know that I just love to see whatever anyone else is working on.

    Sorry to hear you are not well. Please feel better soon.


  7. How lovely to see all those gorgeous projects! I especially love Joyce's Sampler Company project--amazing :)

    Hope you feel better very soon--especially with the Memorial Day weekend coming up!

  8. So many beautiful projects, very talented ladies. I really love the frog especially with the frogs croaking in the back ground.

  9. well I hope you are feeling better by now :) lovely to see other stitchers and their gorgeous work :0 love mouse xxxxx

  10. It is always fun to se what other people are stitching because it gives you some great ideas.

    And 55 count - such lunacy - I can't imagine being able to see the holes in that fabric!!

    Hope you're feeling better.

  11. Hope you feel better. Looks like your ladies have been busy - such beautiful work!

  12. Hi Julie
    I've just found you whilst researching Forest Snowfall on google images and your blog came up trumps! (I'm struggling with fabric and thread colours at the moment!)
    Your blog is a delight to read and the photos of all your and your sewing friend's creations are lovely to see.
    I shall enjoy following you and seeing more.
    Hope you're feeling better now
    (Buttons & Stitches x x x)

  13. Wow, beautiful projects by all the ladies. I'm envious that there's a shop close enough to do stitch-ins!

    Are you feeling better?
