Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oh Dear Lord will it never end??? Retreat Part III Pic Heavy

Happy Hump Day!

I spent my day running around town looking for some items that might be needed for retreat next May if I stick with the idea that popped into my head this morning as I was all cuddled up and warm in bed.  It was pretty darn cold this morning and stupid me, thinking it was spring/summer had my windows open!   Said windows will be firmly closed tonight!

I left off with Friday night in my last post so I guess it would make sense to start off with Saturday  in this post.  Unless you all want me to cut to the chase, skip to Sunday afternoon and end your misery?  But if I did that you would miss some pretty incredible eye candy and we can't have that now can we?

Saturday morning dawned bright and early, breakfast at 8a.m. followed by more stitching.  Mary Ann taught the second batch of  stitcher's the finishing technique and the masseuse arrived to help work out the kinks most of us had acquired over the last couple of days.  The swap table was still open for business so some were wandering in and out of that area, Doreen and Stacy played the piano again for us and stitcher's moved around visiting with other stitchers.  Note:  I have tried hard to keep the pictures to the day they were taken but I think some of the following were actually taken on other days.  Please forgive any out of order pictures!

Joyce telling a story

Donna and Sally

L-R:  Kolene, Karen and Anna Marie
Jocelyn and Roxy

Not sure what they were laughing about but it must have
been good!

Linda, Laurie and Stacy

Joyce and Deb B.

Kay's beautiful bead work.


Harriet and Patty

Patty, Cathi and Deb C.

We had a some finishes during the day also:





Deb C.



Linda's false finish.  She still needed to add her surname
under the house but we let it pass for a finish.
We asked our stitcher's to bring one or two pieces they had stitched that were their favorite or that they were especially proud of.  We displayed these  pieces for all to enjoy and throughout the weekend people would wander over and admire the stunning display.

Amazing, aren't they?  

Saturday afternoon, Mary Ann and I headed back to Papillion to meet up with our husbands to pack up the shop and haul it out to the retreat for shop night.  It's a big undertaking but the ladies seem to enjoy it.  

Once shopping was finished it was time to give away the door prizes. 

Connie treating us to a pole dance routine prior to the giveaway.
Last year she did  Gangam Style.  Not sure which was better.
 5 extra special winners received a lovely Lucky Rabbit's Foot in keeping with the theme.  They were thrilled!

In reality, those 5 got the "Grand Prize" door prizes.  Sadly I didn't not take any pics of the door prizes.  

Once all the excitement was over it was back to stitching, visiting and snacking.

No chance of starving at our retreats, that for sure!!  Just look at all that food, and 99% of it was not good for you.  But it sure was good!

We had a tragedy occur at retreat this year.  A terrible terrible tragedy.    See the lady on the right in the picture below?  

That's Denise.  Denise has been stitching on the same piece that I showed you earlier.  The one Nancy is doing called I love my Garden.  She actually started it before Nancy.  While at retreat, Denise discovered she had been stitching the design on the fabric the wrong way.  Kinda makes the bottom fall out of your stomach.  Lucky for Denise,  stitcher's are wonderful people and before she knew it several ladies had volunteered to help her frog the piece.  

First up was Karen.  

After Karen worked on it for a while Kolene took over.

and after Kolene, Jennifer stepped up.

and when she was done Denise was presented with a clean slate to begin her piece again.  This time the right way!  Good job ladies!  

I was hoping to wrap this up tonight but I don't think I'm going to make it!  One more post should do it I think so watch for the final chapter this weekend.  

I sent emails to all those that have posted questions, if you didn't receive them please let me know.  
Thanks to all that have read and commented, I am truly touched that you all take the time to read what I have written.  

Have a great week and take care till next time!



  1. Thank you once again for taking all of us to this retreat with you! I so enjoyed it & look forward to the next installment : ) I did receive my email, just haven't been able to respond yet. Thank you!

  2. This just looks wonderful! a fantastic retreat. Thanks for sharing

  3. Could you give me the name of the "Count Twice Stitch Once" pattern that Stacy is holding.

  4. Well I had a lot of great things to say until you told us about the frogging of that stitched looks like it was almost done?! OMGosh....every thing fell out of my head...clunk...

  5. How nice of those stitch friends to help with the frogging.

  6. It looks like everyone is having a spectacular time and the pictures of the finished pieces are to just die for gorgeous, stunning what talent these ladies possess. Love all your pictures.

  7. Wow! What can I say? I know how long it takes to do a post like this, and really really thank you for sharing with us in blogland! The frogging episode was so heart warming... And I LOVE the Jan Houtman piece. He designed some gorgeous pieces! Everyone's projects are terrific... I look forward to seeing more! Hugs!

  8. Wow, all those finishes!! And the pieces the ladies brought were all beautiful.

    Did you YouTube the pole dance? LOL

    How awesome that the stitches frogged the piece. Very sweet, indeed.

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  10. Could you post the name of the "Count Twice Stitch Once" pattern that Stacy is holding? I LOVE it! Thank you! Carol

  11. The "Count Twice Stitch Once" piece was designed by Paulette Stewart of Plum Street Samplers exclusively for our 2012 retreat last year. It really is a good one!

  12. Thank you for responding! It is a fabulous design - especially for us cronic froggers! Wish I lived closer so I could attend one of your retreats.

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