Saturday, May 18, 2013

World's longest Retreat Post Part II

We had a Thursday through Sunday option and a Friday through Sunday option again this year.  The facility requires a minimum of ten if you wish to have meals.  Last year there were only 9 of us so the shop paid for the ghostly 10th person but this year there were 15 of us.  Those that arrived at 2 o'clock sharp had 4 hours of stitching time in already when it was time for supper.  After supper it was a wonderful laid back evening of good conversations and many laughs along with some excellent uninterrupted stitching time.

This is most of the Thursday group
Poor Carole, she staked out a table and had to sit all by herself since the rest of her peeps didn't come until Friday and she didn't want to move her stuff twice.  We made sure she got in on all the good conversation so she wouldn't feel too ostracized!

Those that intended to take the finishing class worked on their homework and a big fuss was made when said homework was finished!  Ya just gotta celebrate your finishes...even the very small ones.

Doreen's Homework Finish!!
There were a lot of beautiful projects being worked on...


Connie A.



Linda S's wip

Laurie's new start

Mary's Santa's Village

Pam's cats

Sue's Wip
but don't ask me what the names of most the projects are cuz I don't know most of them.  I could ask if you're really interested though.

Everyone drifted off to bed in the wee hours of the morning.  Breakfast is at 8 a.m. so most are up early but a few decided to forgo eating and slept late instead.  Friday morning was spent once again stitching and chatting.

Carole didn't do her homework Thursday night so she had to work on it Friday

Except for when she was up walking around (which was often)

Carole and Mary Ann
Long about the time Mary Ann, Connie and I were thinking we would head upstairs to prepare for the onslaught of Fridays stitcher's, what or I should say who should come down the hall but some early arrivals!  It wasn't long after their arrival that the onslaught began and we were pretty darn busy for the next couple of hours getting everyone situated and explaining the homework to the new arrivals.

18 more stitcher's joined us on Friday with Sally being the last to arrive and shortly after she did we headed over to supper.

Quite the crowd!

After supper Mary Ann took those with their home work done into the other room and taught them how to do the finish technique for the chart that was in their goody bag.  

Bad me didn't take a picture of Friday nights class
so this is actually Saturday's class

The swap tables were also opened up Friday night.

And of course there was a lot of stitching and visiting being done that night also.

Cathi's hands and WIP

Connie A.  and Linda W.

L-R from Corner:  Joyce, Deb B., Deb C. and Connie A
Denise (back to camera)

Connie N. with her Hometown Holiday finish!

L to R:  Deb C., Connie A. , Connie N. & Jocelyn 

Diane's hands and WIP!

Doreen's Egg

I originally chose these colors for Denise and Nancy liked them
so much she decided to use them too!

Jennifer's  Just Nan finish!

Joyce's wip.  

Linda and Kay

One of  Deb C.'s WIP's

Hello?  Anyone still there?  I'll continue this post most likely on Wednesday.  Lot's of excitement still to come!

Take care till next time!



  1. Fun times and great projects!!

  2. retreats are the best of times, I love my groups.
    Lots of great stitchuing going on at your retreat.

  3. I really love reading about retreats! Yours always look so fun!

  4. I always love photo essays about a retreat, especially when one makes me feel like I was a part of it, which this one did : ) Thank you for the great sharing! It really looked like you all had a great time! I must've missed it mentioned before (?) but where was this retreat held?

  5. Me again : ) I was going to email you about this but you don't have your email in your profile. The fifth photo down, Connie A. She has a really neat tabletop magnifying light! Do you know where she got this or how she can be contacted to ask about it?

  6. What a fun time!! I am goping to the PALS retreat this October and can not wait!!! Look forward to seeing the next post :)
    Take Care.

  7. I do have to ask; where did the ladies get their "Love to Stitch" sparkley t-shirts.

    Looks like every one had a terrific time; thanks for sharing all these great pictures.

  8. Enjoyed reading your retreat reports! It looks everyone was having a great time.

    Robin in Virginia

  9. It looks like it was so much fun!

    I loved every word, photo and drool on my keyboard looking at all of those WIPS! :)

  11. I am so glad that you only showed my hands and like you don't like to take pictures. We had a great time and actually thanks to modern technology, we didn't get lost!!!

  12. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all! I'm so envious. The projects were beautiful.
