Hello! Twice in one week! Better right this one down on the calender. Ya never know when it might happen again!
I mentioned last time that I would show you some of the other things I have stitched on during my blogging hiatus. And so I shall.
December is the busiest month of the year for me as a custom picture framer. Anything I might personally get finished between Thanksgiving and Christmas is put on the back burner to await the end of the holiday rush. The same goes for Connie and Mary Ann's finishes. And thus it was for Plum Street Samplers Harvest Delivery. I finished the stitching on December 1st, snapped a couple of pictures and took it off to the shop to await it's turn for framing. That turn was supposed to happen last week. Supposed to being the operative words here. I was all set to play with some corner samples which is one of my favorite things to do and I was pretty excited about having the time to do it. I took my happy self to the back room, walked over to where I keep the pieces waiting to be stretched, brought the bag down off the shelf, opened it up and... nothing. It wasn't there. I looked again. Still nothing. I got the ladder and climbed up to get a better looksee in case it had fallen out and being the short person that I am I couldn't see it. NOTHING! At this point I was a bit surprised but not too worried. In the hustle and bustle perhaps I moved it somewhere else. I began a systematic search of all the places I might have moved it to. There aren't that many so it didn't take long. I still couldn't find it. And to make matters worse I realized that Connie had finished Plum Street Sampler's Thankful for Thee right about the same time and it was no where to be found either. At this point I was beginning to worry a bit. Never in 11 years of framing have I lost any art that has been entrusted to my care. EVER. I decided to quit looking for the day thinking that maybe they were staring me in the face and I just wasn't seeing them. You know how you look in your cupboard for something and you can't find it and then you ask your husband to look and he reaches right in there and pulls it out and acts all smug? That was the theory I was going with anyway. Over the weekend I searched my bags of stitching stash here at the house. Perhaps I had brought them home to stretch, and didn't remember since that's not something I normally do. Nothing. Tuesday I searched the shop once more, then came home and again looked through my stuff. Nothing. At that point the only place I hadn't looked was down in my craft room and I couldn't get to it until Dan moved or actually put all the Christmas boxes away and he was teaching a night class so it wasn't going to happen that evening. Fast forward to this evening. During dinner I was telling Dan my sad tale of woe regarding my missing pieces and how the only place they could be was in the craft room and how there was no way for me to check there because he'd piled the Christmas shit stuff in front of the doors and I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy right now and and and....lo and behold he moved the boxes to the side and voila! There they were! (insert fireworks here) Laid out on my craft table just waiting for me to find them. Whew! On the one hand talk about a sense of relief, on the other hand what kind of idiot doesn't remember bringing them home and putting them in the craft room! I swear I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached. While I'm forgetting things I guess it was too much to hope that I had forgotten I'd already stretched the 2 pieces but alas I had not which I suppose is for the best since I see that Connie has forgotten a couple of stitches on the "A". And so without further ado may I present that which was lost and is now found. Drum roll please....
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stitched on 40 ct meadow rue using the called for fibers |
And with that I think I shall call it a night and go stitch on something. Have a great evening!
Take care till next time!