October 14, 1991. That was my due date. I had a doctor appt. that day at 1:00p.m. Much to my dismay the Dr. said she expected it would be another week before baby girl McConnell was born. I can't describe the utter depression that invaded my body at that point. I was never one of those "Happy" pregnant people. In fact, I hated being pregnant. Love the whole labor and delivery process, hate the preceding 9 months. It could have something to do with the 9 months of non-stop belching (think construction worker after downing a cold 6 pack in 10 minutes), that always started within 8 hours of conception. Or perhaps it is the fact that I knew the instant I got pregnant. And I mean the instant. I swear I felt that little spermie hit the Amy egg and the resulting fireworks that followed. I even told Dan within minutes that I was pregnant. He laughed and said I was nuts. Until the next morning when I started belching. Then his face lost all color. He'd been scheduled for the little clip clip appt that week. Best laid plans and all that. God has a strange sense of humor. It's amazing that it even happened if you think about it. 3 different forms of birth control and yet still a baby was made. I've always said God really wanted this baby to be in my life. She was destined for great things! Anyway, I digress. Back to October 14, 1991 and my depression. After receiving that news from the Dr. I did what any self respecting pregnant woman would do and went shopping. The panacea for all that ails you. I was browsing Shopko when the first labor pain hit. Hmmmm, what was that? Then another hit. Hmmmmm, maybe I better head home. By the time I got to my mom's house 10 minutes away the pains were 5 minutes apart. Called Dan, went home got the kids bags packed, picked them up from school and got back to my moms house by 3. Dan arrived and off we went to the hospital. Arrived at the hospital with the worst pains shooting down my legs, got my epidural (gotta love an epidural!) and Amy was born at 5:59 p.m. Ha! Take that Dr. H. That'll teach you to say things like it'll be another week!
Here she is the week of her birth.and just the other day when it snowed.
Progress on Signs of Fall has been slow the last few days. Actually if you count all the ripping I did trying to get those darn background triangles to look nice I've done alot. Ripped those puppies out 3 or 4 times and I'm still not sure I like how they look. Originally, the triangles were supposed to be done in shades of dark green but the cover picture looks like they are black and that is what I wanted. But there were 3 shades of green involved and when I substituted the same colors that were in the pot it just looked too bold. After trying several different things, I decided to just use 1 strand of floss and that seems to be better. What do you think? Does it look okay?
I guess I best wrap this up and head to the grocery store. Amy wants ham, hashbrown casserole, whipped jello, corn, rolls and ice cream cake for her birthday dinner. I have none of that in my house at this time.
Thanks for stopping in and wishing Amy a happy birthday! I'll talk at ya all soon!
Lucky Charm Mini Quilt
1 day ago
Oh Julie - I love both pics of Amy.... Happy 18th Birthday Amy!!
I think your stitch looks great. Good choice to go with one thread!!
Hugs and have a fun birthday dinner!!
Happy 18th Amy! What a beautiful young lady. Have a wonderful day and dinner!
Happy 18th to Amy!! She is a lovely girl. Enjoy the birthday celebration.
I think it looks mah-velous the way you have done it!
Happy Birthday to your Amy! What do those doctors know. Babies come when babies are ready! I have an Amy too who turned 30 last November and I miss her since she lives 300+ miles away from me. Cherish every minute with your Amy!
BTW Love the coffee pot.
Happy Birthday to YOUUUUU,
Happy Birthday TO YOUUUUU,
Happy Birthday, dear Amy...
Etc., etc., etc.
I think I remember 18...not sure! Lovely pot...the triangles are just right!
Off on our adventure on Saturday.
Gonna have FUN!
I hope Amy had a wonderful birthday, I loved the story and even laughed at it, I'll tell you mine someday!
I like the picture the way you did it, beautiful job as usual, and thanks again for the chuckle!
Happy Belated Birthday to Amy..I hope the meal went well and she enjoyed her day, am sure she heard the "birth" story before!LOL!
I think the triangles look great and I know the pain of "frogging" but is worth it to get it the way YOU want!
Hope you are feeling better
Oh what a story teller you are, I think you have missed your calling in life. Your writing always make me smile....Happy Belated Birthday Amy...
Happy Belated Bday to your DD. Your stitching progress is coming right along.
Happy belated birthday! Love the progress you are making on your stitching. I am sorry about the shack.
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